User Videos 28 videos found Mind the Mindfulness Hype 0 views The Neuroscience of Awakening 0 views Meditation, Neuroscience, and the Self 0 views Contemplative Neuroscience in Neurotech and Medtech 15 views The Flashlight, Floodlight & Juggler: Training Attention with Meditation – with Dr. Amishi Jha and Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche 19 views Dr. Vago speaks with Dr. Becky Acabchuk and Prakriti Poddar on How Mindfulness Benefits Work Culture 20 views Dr. Vago speaks with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and other eminent scientists on Self-Transcendence 0 views Dr. Vago speaks with Dr. Horacio de la Iglesia and Sadhguru on Mysteries of Moon & Mind – 30 views Dr. Vago speaks on Contemplative Neuroscience with Groundless Ground 70 views Contemplative Science Dr. Vago on Contemplative Science 73 views Contemplative Science Dr. Vago speaks to the 1440 Foundation – What is Contemplative Science 60 views Contemplative Science Dr. Vago speaks with Sadhguru and other medical experts on the value of Yoga during the COVID-19 Pandemic 88 views Dr. Vago speaks with Contemplative Teachers «123»Page 2 of 3