

Persistent subjective states of anxiety or depression resulting from chronic stress, pain, or incidence of trauma, facilitate dynamic and iterative dysregulation across sensory-motor, emotional, and cognitive processes. These chronic maladaptive states increase the likelihood of poor health outcomes including immunodeficiency, inflammation, and psychopathology. Fortunately, a growing body of research suggests that certain forms of systematic mental training associated with mindfulness-based meditation and other wisdom-based contemplative practices can provide the requisite tools for improved self-awareness, self-regulation, prosocial behavior, and overall well-being. 

Based on these observations, there are three main questions that drive my program of contemplative neuroscience research and inquiry: 

  • Can we identify and validate the basic cognitive-neural, and psycho-social mechanisms that contribute to adaptive mind-brain-body interactions and their therapeutic relevance in mental health settings for individuals and in relation to others?
  • What are the basic developmental patterns of body-mind-brain changes that result from rigorous mental training in mindfulness, compassion, and other mind-body practices and help establish the development of a flourishing constitution?
  • How can innovation and technology, through biosensor, stimulation, psycholytic and psychedelic pharmacology, serve to enhance or augment mental health, well-being, and the human condition?


Diagnostics, Navigation, Prediction, and Mechanism

Mechanisms of MBIs (MOMBI Trial)

What are the Neurobiological Markers by which MBI’s improve clinical outcomes?

Acupuncture for Acute Pain

Low-cost Alternatives to Opiates in the ED

Essence of Mind States

The primary focus is on deciphering four core Essence-of-Mind states: (1) timelessness, (2) non-preference, non-duality, and non-conceptualization, (3) luminosity and limitlessness, and (4) a unified compassionate experience of oneness (stable awakened awareness).

Imaging Inflammatory Markers

Targeting brain-based markers of inflammation sensitive to meditation

Attention Regulation Markers of Mindfulness for Pain

Neural Markers for Predicting Pain Outcomes

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